I have always loved the look of the classic car. Maybe it all stems from being driven around as a child in several of the classics that still exist today.
Maybe because my father died when I was young, so those cars are associated with a time when we were a family.
Below are some of the cars Mum got out of the archives for this website.
The first photo is the 1963 EJ Holden Premier. And just to set the record straight, I WASN'T born then! This is a photo of my Mum and Grandmother.
The second photo is Dad's car when he was a concreter. The third, which I do remember clearly, is the Dodge. By this time, he was working as a landscape gardener and all us kids would pile into the front.
The black EK Ford was great family car, making the revered trips to Port Campbell, Victoria where my aunty and uncle owned the local pub and is still in the family..... In the background are the 12 Apostles, the landmark of that area. Dad would go down there and do the landscaping for the pub, while us kids would run crazily around and go down to the beach. I caught my first octopus from the Port Campbell pier - I was horrified it wasn't a fish!
While I remember the green Triumph, I can’t quite remember which year it was, I’m guessing the Triumph 2000. I would say it was a 1970’s model. Dad was always tinkering with it in the backyard and passing on words of wisdom to me as I watched, like “Never buy a Triumph!”
And like a true daughter and went out a purchased a Triumph!
Below are some family photos featuring cars.
How cools is the one of my Dad standing on a car, couldn’t have scripted it better!